Friday, February 10, 2012

And I'm off on my first blogging attempt

Ok, so those of you that know me well know that I love to write and love to share my feelings. So blogging is very interesting to me. I have some great subjects to write about so here goes my attempt to write down details of our family life. I grew up with historians all around me, my Grandparents recalled so many family stories and details and I hope to do the same someday but I don't think I will ever remember anything if I don't write it down! So let me give the low down on the boys...

Charlie (3.75 years old)

Charlie is a sweet tender hearted firecracker of a boy. He loves construction "mighty machines", dirt, firetrucks, (thinks he is a member of squad 22), anything his Pa does, workshops, bacon, pizza, fruit, applejuice, snow, water. He is currently taking swim lessons and loves them...he keeps saying the arm circles are tricky...haha but he is catching on. Every morning he wakes up and wants to know if he gets to go to G Pa's house. He is a loving big brother (most of the time). He loves to talk!!!! He has never met a stranger!

Funny things he has said or done this week:

G asked "Charlie do want to play baseball" while driving by a baseball diamond, C said "No, I am going to dig dirt"

C is extremely afraid of sugarbugs in his teeth after reading a book about a boy that didn't brush his teeth. He continually wants me to look in his mouth for them.

When told last night not to Lie because he would be a "liar liar pants on fire" he actually believed his pants were burning.

Told his dad to make sure all the sugar was taken out of applejuice ;>yep...sugarbugs

Bennett (10 mos)

A fun loving husky boy that has a smile that would knock your socks off! This little boy is the most loveable quiet smily boy around! He loves to eat and loves to nurse! He still thinks he is a newborn and nurses 4 times a night ;/ I cannot believe he is close to 1 year old, the time has flown by! He is at the point in life where he leaves a path of destruction in his wake! He is walking everywhere and will be running soon I am sure! He loves his brother and wants to be with him always! He also loves brimmly the dog...yikes...which can sometimes be risky. His words are few but can say dada, mama, and hi!

My boys (all four of them...the dog too) are the center of my world! They make me crazy at times but they make my heart weep with the love I feel for them! I cannot imagine a more wonderful life than the one I have!!!


  1. Yay! Great start, and blogging is fun! Your boys are adorable, and YES, write those stories down, because no matter how memorable they seem at the time, there are many you will forget. It amazes me to go back and look at my blog and read stories about the kids and realize I had completely forgotten they'd happened. Sigh...I haven't blogged since my little Bee was about 3 months old (Oct 2010)...I wonder how many stories I've forgotten about her?

    Can't wait to read more! :)

  2. Yeah, this will be a "check everyday site" for G&Pa...great start to a wonderful history. <3
